Today I went to the dentist and had some work done that hurt a lot, as usual. At least it seems that it´s over with... But I´m kinda pooped about all the dentist work done to me lately. I hope it´s over with. But anyways, on to the pix, i suppose:

Some pix of where I live and some day to day views of stuff that you can see in Lima.

Where I live
The Small White one, in the middle...

The View from our balcony
not too shabby...

Flat Tire
I´ve had to change three,
yeah three in the last two weeks

Typical Ice Cream guy, riding
his bike around town

Transit Police Man
Lots of these around town, people
don´t like to follow traffic signals
too much around here.

Transit Cop - Ticket Time
Bus driver (notice the small, informal size)
getting ticketd, or most likely, paying
the bribe to get away.


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