Today I went to the dentist and had some work done that hurt a lot, as usual. At least it seems that it´s over with... But I´m kinda pooped about all the dentist work done to me lately. I hope it´s over with. But anyways, on to the pix, i suppose:
Some pix of where I live and some day to day views of stuff that you can see in Lima.
Some pix of where I live and some day to day views of stuff that you can see in Lima.
Where I live
The Small White one, in the middle...
The Small White one, in the middle...
The View from our balcony
not too shabby...
not too shabby...
Flat Tire
I´ve had to change three,
yeah three in the last two weeks
I´ve had to change three,
yeah three in the last two weeks
Typical Ice Cream guy, riding
his bike around town
Typical Ice Cream guy, riding
his bike around town
Transit Police Man
Lots of these around town, people
don´t like to follow traffic signals
too much around here.
Lots of these around town, people
don´t like to follow traffic signals
too much around here.
Transit Cop - Ticket Time
Bus driver (notice the small, informal size)
getting ticketd, or most likely, paying
the bribe to get away.
Bus driver (notice the small, informal size)
getting ticketd, or most likely, paying
the bribe to get away.