My new kindergarten kids, and other school pics...
So if, by chance, you get sick and tired of the million shots I take of my kids, I would *highly* recommend going to another blog right about now. ;)
For the rest of you, these shots were taken today, as I tried to get the first shots of my new kindergarten students. I wasn't able to get too many shots of them, since we keep pretty busy, but I took a few, and then, of course, some of my old kindergarten students in the afternoon, as well as my new mixed class.
For the rest of you, these shots were taken today, as I tried to get the first shots of my new kindergarten students. I wasn't able to get too many shots of them, since we keep pretty busy, but I took a few, and then, of course, some of my old kindergarten students in the afternoon, as well as my new mixed class.
Here's the first shot I took of my whole class together.

Here's Kathleen and some of the others,
having fun during gym class.

And here's Jenny doing the choo-choo train.

Waiting for the elevator, are
Jenny, Rachel, Melina, Kathleen, Lily,
Matthew, Ray, William, Alex, and Kevin

Lily, Jenny, and Rachel

And Sally, in the afternoon, of course ^_^

Max looking quite confused with Morgan's pencil case

The three of them (Esther didn't come today) discussing
some matters of extreme importance during class

Sally :)

Morgan looking at a next-door roof,
being incredibly amused

This is what our class time looks like...
Max is reading about the incredibly interesting development of frogs, as they grow from eggs to tadpoles to adult frogs... Fascinating.

Here's Max as I was having fun with my remote control :p
He seemed to think it was pretty nifty.

Sally (yes, again)

Morgan talking with Max

Morgan asking me something or other, and my back side.

And they insisted to kick it old school, doing some of our old rehearsals from the wizard of OZ, haha... here they are getting ready.

And going to town..

Here's Andy, caught by my ultra cool remote control operated Nikon

And, umm, the back of his head caught, as others come into class.

And this is a new interesting class I have... A few of my older kids (by a year or so)
and my other younger class together... interesting..

And my new view (on a very cold, snowy day), from the back side of the building, 5th floor.

Here's Kathleen and some of the others,
having fun during gym class.

And here's Jenny doing the choo-choo train.

Waiting for the elevator, are
Jenny, Rachel, Melina, Kathleen, Lily,
Matthew, Ray, William, Alex, and Kevin

Lily, Jenny, and Rachel

And Sally, in the afternoon, of course ^_^

Max looking quite confused with Morgan's pencil case
The three of them (Esther didn't come today) discussing
some matters of extreme importance during class

Sally :)

Morgan looking at a next-door roof,
being incredibly amused

This is what our class time looks like...
Max is reading about the incredibly interesting development of frogs, as they grow from eggs to tadpoles to adult frogs... Fascinating.

Here's Max as I was having fun with my remote control :p
He seemed to think it was pretty nifty.

Sally (yes, again)

Morgan talking with Max
Morgan asking me something or other, and my back side.
And they insisted to kick it old school, doing some of our old rehearsals from the wizard of OZ, haha... here they are getting ready.

And going to town..

Here's Andy, caught by my ultra cool remote control operated Nikon
And, umm, the back of his head caught, as others come into class.
And this is a new interesting class I have... A few of my older kids (by a year or so)
and my other younger class together... interesting..

And my new view (on a very cold, snowy day), from the back side of the building, 5th floor.
