Maybe Peace Corps? / 12v Battery Change

 I had a phone interview with Anthony from the Peace Corps about possibly doing a P.C. Response job in Ukraine from March 2021 for a year.  I'm not sure I'll take it yet (if offered), but it was something I'd thought about for a while now so we'll see what happens.

Later today I have to work at Target from 4pm-10pm and tomorrow I have a day off.  

Today it's tomorrow.  
Sept.22nd, 2020

As I was going to leave for work yesterday, my car just flat out would not start.  Luckily, my cousin lent me her Mini Cooper and I got to work just past 4pm, so sort of on time.  This morning I called AAA (thank you), and they came over and jump-started my car, noted that my car was most definitely due for a change, so I paid the 230 bucks or so to have a new battery and all is well with the world again. :)

Off to work from 2pm-6pm today.  A quick four-hour shift.

Battery Diagnosis - Not Good


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