a new post about... random stuff...
So I haven't been posting much new stuff lately, because there hasn't been a whole lot of stuff going on I suppose. There has been, but just not anything worth posting, it would seem. I've been doing my weekly Korean lessons as well as getting a bit more in depth in my Chinese lessons, starting to give Chinese character writing a go again (I had a very lazy failed attempt earlier this year while I was in Peru).
There's a new teacher at my school called Jackson from Virginia in the states, which is great for me, because it turns out he loves playing ping pong (which I do as well) as well as the fact that he brought a frisbee. We play almost every day or every other day in the basement ping pong table at school and go throw the frisbee around at the park about once or twice a week so far. It's a nice change to have someone wanting to do some nice outdoorsy activities like that.
Anways, today Morgan (one of my kindergarten students) brought one of those cool little eye scope thingies that's like a kaleidoscope, but you don't see a bunch of colors like in a kaleidoscope but just just a bunch of copies of what's in front of you. I guess it's what a fly would see, with all of the eyes or something... Aaaaanyways... I figured I'd bust out the camera to see if I could get some cool shots... and before you knew it...

Believe it or not, that's the least scary pic I took, some of the other ones were pretty disturbing, with the scary faces the kids were trying to make... so I figured I'd just post that pic, of Max doing some goofy smiley face.
What else... Oh, "Chusok" (not sure how to spell it in the Roman alphabet), the Korean thanksgiving days, are coming up in October, but since eeeeeveryone in Korea goes traveling during those days (and most English teachers as well) most flights are way overbooked, so I probably won't be going anywhere except maybe a trip that Adventure Korea is planning to an island between Korea and Japan. We'll see.
That should be about it for now.
There's a new teacher at my school called Jackson from Virginia in the states, which is great for me, because it turns out he loves playing ping pong (which I do as well) as well as the fact that he brought a frisbee. We play almost every day or every other day in the basement ping pong table at school and go throw the frisbee around at the park about once or twice a week so far. It's a nice change to have someone wanting to do some nice outdoorsy activities like that.
Anways, today Morgan (one of my kindergarten students) brought one of those cool little eye scope thingies that's like a kaleidoscope, but you don't see a bunch of colors like in a kaleidoscope but just just a bunch of copies of what's in front of you. I guess it's what a fly would see, with all of the eyes or something... Aaaaanyways... I figured I'd bust out the camera to see if I could get some cool shots... and before you knew it...

Believe it or not, that's the least scary pic I took, some of the other ones were pretty disturbing, with the scary faces the kids were trying to make... so I figured I'd just post that pic, of Max doing some goofy smiley face.
What else... Oh, "Chusok" (not sure how to spell it in the Roman alphabet), the Korean thanksgiving days, are coming up in October, but since eeeeeveryone in Korea goes traveling during those days (and most English teachers as well) most flights are way overbooked, so I probably won't be going anywhere except maybe a trip that Adventure Korea is planning to an island between Korea and Japan. We'll see.
That should be about it for now.