Namsan Park

Today I went hiking up the crazy steps at Namsan Park (where Seoul Tower is located), which wouldn't be that bad, really, except for the fact that it was super hot and humid today. I didn't go up to Seoul Tower ( I haven't gone up yet), but I'm planning on maybe going up within the next couple of months or so, probably during Fall.

I also have some cool trips coming up again finally, with the always cool Adventure Korea folks. Details and pix soon ^^.

Anyways, here's some cool statues (gotta have the statue pix) of some famous historic Korean fellers. If you want to know who they are, you'll just have to come to Korea and find out ;).

So there you go, some (in my opinion) nifty statues.

And now a nice pic of some old Korean men having a nice, peaceful Saturday afternoon at Namasan Park.

And some pix from the (really) mini-zoo inside Namsan Park.

A billy goat gruff...

Some kid getting way too close, feeding the monkeys..

Some super cute duckies..

And, as my grand finale for today, a picture drawn by one of my students... each quadrant is supposed to represent a different emotion... Can you tell which is which?



Unknown said…
Me encantan todas las cosas que pones, tus comentarios, tus fotos y tus videos, super interesantes!!! Eres lo máximo!!! Lo unico que no se por que, pero en mi pc tus videos no van seguido sino que avanzan un segundo y paran, luego otra vez un segundo y paran, etc. por qué sera???
Y el video 4 hacia tu cole no esta!! Te quiero mucho!!! Sigue aumentando cosas en tu blog que estan super!!!

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