Last weekend: Rafting and Korean Prison Memorial
This last weekend was pretty fun... I went on a rafting day trip with Adventure Korea which wasn't too crazy, but a beautiful day and really nice to go down the river for a few hours. On Sunday I went to the "Seodamun Prison History Hall" and visited a Palace on the way over.
And here's the pix:
First here's some sad fans only an hour or so after Korea lost that morning, being eliminated from the World Cup:

And here's what rafting would have looked at, if I had a waterproof camera (a friend I met, Mike I think is going to send me some pix from his camera soon)
Some bungee jumping shots...

And now we're on the weekend, first some shots of Gyeonghuigong Palace

Some interior shots of the King's quarters

A little pooch inside a shop during my walk

Some statues and Korean life at the Freedom (from Japan) fighter's Park

Very cute daughter and father game of Badminton

And the creepy Korean Prison (used by the Japanese during their occupation in the early 1900s)

A very veery small little closet w

Some *very* vivid torture recreations ( I didn't post the really gruesome pics)
(They came complete with crazy sound effects... I don't understand why parents would take their young young kids here)

The killing hut

The hidden tunnel to take the bodies to the mass graves

so aaanyways, here's some cute kids feeding pidgeons

and me on some weird "exercise" machine thing, before our hike
And here's the pix:
First here's some sad fans only an hour or so after Korea lost that morning, being eliminated from the World Cup:

And here's what rafting would have looked at, if I had a waterproof camera (a friend I met, Mike I think is going to send me some pix from his camera soon)

Some bungee jumping shots...

And now we're on the weekend, first some shots of Gyeonghuigong Palace

Some interior shots of the King's quarters

A little pooch inside a shop during my walk

Some statues and Korean life at the Freedom (from Japan) fighter's Park

Very cute daughter and father game of Badminton

And the creepy Korean Prison (used by the Japanese during their occupation in the early 1900s)

A very veery small little closet w

Some *very* vivid torture recreations ( I didn't post the really gruesome pics)
(They came complete with crazy sound effects... I don't understand why parents would take their young young kids here)

The killing hut

The hidden tunnel to take the bodies to the mass graves

so aaanyways, here's some cute kids feeding pidgeons

and me on some weird "exercise" machine thing, before our hike
