Long Overdue Post
So it's been way way too long since I've posted... I've been going over decisions in my head like crazy lately.
The two main ones being about digital cameras and camcorders and my work.
I've been wanting to get back into digital videdo editing really badly lately. I finally installed adobe premiere after a long, long time, and really started getting into it. I remembered how much I miss editing and all that good stuff. It really made me want to get a new digital camcorder. I started looking at a few different models and was almost sold on a couple of different hard drive camcorders.
But then I tried one of my favorite camcorders (with 3CCDs even - which is supposed to be really good) with a memory card and brought it home, but was completely shocked when I saw the quality. Without a joke, it was far worse than my 4-5 year old Digital8 tape Sony camcorder I have. So that made me think I should jsut use my Sony since I don't really plan on carrying a 3 or 4 thousand dollar video camera (which would produce really good quality) around as I travel.
Then comes the issue about my work. I've been really having second thoughts about going through with extending my contract lately. I'm not feeling as comfortable teaching at work lately. It's a very different environment with my new students and I don't feel as motivated lately. This is very important for me because of two reasons: A, I don't want to be unhappy at work, where I have to be every day Monday through Friday (no matter what the pay) and B, I don't want to be a second class teacher for my students.
There are far too many teachers in S.Korea just out to make a quick buck without really doing it for the sake of teaching and education. I don't want to become a greedy foreigner teaching English just to make some good money easily. I really did enjoy my job and I love teaching, but lately I don't feel so good about it.
Anyways.. enough about all that gloomy stuff. I'll make my decision soon enough and I'll do what I feel is best for me which is all I can really do. I can't make myself be unhappy though. What's the point in that.
If you've made it this far, and of course you have, because you're reading this, or just scrolled past it, here are some pix...
Here's the first blooms I took pictures of a week or two ago, at Yonsei University.

Some of my new Korean friends, drumming at Yonsei.

Going up Moraksan (Morak mountain) with Amy and Megan.

Amy snuck a couple of shots of me doing some pullups on the way up :p

A hazy view of some of the apartments by where Amy lives...
These crazy masses of apartments are eeeverywhere in Seoul.

Hiking and ice cream..

Rachel is still absolutely adorable.

A really nice building in Yonsei.

Some white blooms on the Yonsei campus.

Some wall art I really liked in our rehearsal room (during rainy weather) at Yonsei.

Some shots taken at Yoido park..

These roller bladers are never late for their appointments ;)

And here's my friend David, taking some shots with his kickass Nikon D200 :p

The two main ones being about digital cameras and camcorders and my work.
I've been wanting to get back into digital videdo editing really badly lately. I finally installed adobe premiere after a long, long time, and really started getting into it. I remembered how much I miss editing and all that good stuff. It really made me want to get a new digital camcorder. I started looking at a few different models and was almost sold on a couple of different hard drive camcorders.
But then I tried one of my favorite camcorders (with 3CCDs even - which is supposed to be really good) with a memory card and brought it home, but was completely shocked when I saw the quality. Without a joke, it was far worse than my 4-5 year old Digital8 tape Sony camcorder I have. So that made me think I should jsut use my Sony since I don't really plan on carrying a 3 or 4 thousand dollar video camera (which would produce really good quality) around as I travel.
Then comes the issue about my work. I've been really having second thoughts about going through with extending my contract lately. I'm not feeling as comfortable teaching at work lately. It's a very different environment with my new students and I don't feel as motivated lately. This is very important for me because of two reasons: A, I don't want to be unhappy at work, where I have to be every day Monday through Friday (no matter what the pay) and B, I don't want to be a second class teacher for my students.
There are far too many teachers in S.Korea just out to make a quick buck without really doing it for the sake of teaching and education. I don't want to become a greedy foreigner teaching English just to make some good money easily. I really did enjoy my job and I love teaching, but lately I don't feel so good about it.
Anyways.. enough about all that gloomy stuff. I'll make my decision soon enough and I'll do what I feel is best for me which is all I can really do. I can't make myself be unhappy though. What's the point in that.
If you've made it this far, and of course you have, because you're reading this, or just scrolled past it, here are some pix...
Here's the first blooms I took pictures of a week or two ago, at Yonsei University.
Some of my new Korean friends, drumming at Yonsei.

Going up Moraksan (Morak mountain) with Amy and Megan.

Amy snuck a couple of shots of me doing some pullups on the way up :p

A hazy view of some of the apartments by where Amy lives...
These crazy masses of apartments are eeeverywhere in Seoul.

Hiking and ice cream..
Rachel is still absolutely adorable.
A really nice building in Yonsei.
Some white blooms on the Yonsei campus.

Some wall art I really liked in our rehearsal room (during rainy weather) at Yonsei.

Some shots taken at Yoido park..

These roller bladers are never late for their appointments ;)

And here's my friend David, taking some shots with his kickass Nikon D200 :p