long overdue pix

Little text, lots of pictures... sort of...

We've been having lots of kindergarten "graduation" pix at school, and here's a select bunch of them:


A semi-sepia type shot:

Me and my kids:

Esther ^-^



And on the second day, with their "suit" shots about to be taken:

And my mom even sent me a class pic of my kindergarten days... see which one I am?
And there's grandma too :) love ya grandma ;)



Unknown said…
te quiero mucho mucho mucho!!! y estas lindo en tu fotito!!
hey cutie ;)
Anonymous said…
Hola Chrsitian. Me encanta tu blog y estoy super orgulloso de mi sobrino. Q bueno que estés aprendiendo koreano y chino! Y te felicito por estar a punto de terminar de pagarte tu préstamo.


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