Thinking about the Future

So yeah, I've been thinking a lot about the future lately. I've been back in Peru just over a month now, and it seems like time has just flown by overall, while it has definitely crawled during some moments as well.

I always feel like I don't get too much accomplished when I'm in Peru, mainly since I always come back after doing a large(r) project abroad. Be it finishing my bachelor's degree, or teaching English in South Korea and traveling around Asia afterwards.

I usually come back to recharge my batteries. This last time I felt particularly exhausted, after traveling for five months around Asia. This might seem like a lot for some who haven't traveled, or very little for those who have traveled extensively, but it was definitely my largest trip ever. Most all of my previous traveling experiences had mainly involved going from point A to point B. Usually by plane, without much time on the road. Not too many journeys to speak of; just a trip to the destination and back.

So anyways. I've been debating on what path to follow next. I was thinking about doing a fellows in California or New York, where you get certified teaching while working in high need schools. The other option was to find a good Grad School to get my graduate degree in Translation/Interpretation. While these both seem like great options, I'm leaning (at the moment) at heading back to Asia and teaching and roaming around.


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